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  • indahmd0007

Analysis Model Spreading Oil Spill in Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Using Image Processing Method

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

This is my first paper publication. I write this paper with my friends in order to follow the Apecx Competition 2019 from SPE UGM. We get the 3rd place and Best poster.

Our big Curiosity in the oil and gas industry and technology leads us to learn about how to fix the oil spill in the offshore area using image processing method.

There it is our publication :)

I hope you can get something new from it.

Thank you.

39 views2 comments


Jun 02, 2020

hope you success mbak and don't stop to inspiring!😊


Jun 02, 2020

hope you success mbak and don't stop to inspiring!😊

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