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The Myth, History, and Timeline of Natural Gas


Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about the History of Natural Gas or we could say the timeline of Natural gas in the world.

Some people may be not interest to learn or read about Natural gas because they’re thinking this topic is difficult and boring hahaha. But hey! wait for a minute, in this blog I’ll try to make it different. I’ll try to make it great, unique, and funny. So, I hope you’ll enjoy my blog.

Before we’re talking about History of Natural Gas, we have to know

“What is Natural Gas?”

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that came from the rest of the plants and animals buried in the basin and undergoing an overburdened process in the geological time scale.

Natural gas has been known for many centuries, but initial use for the gas was more for religious purposes rather than as a fuel. Wow, what great facts!

The gas leaks had prominent in any religion like the religions of India, Greece, and Persia. It’s because the inhabitants of the region were unable to explain the origin of the fires. Because of that, the energy value of natural gas was not recognized until approximately 900 BC in China.

Because the uses of Natural gas did not necessarily parallel its discovery, natural gas was being the myth in several places and religions.

In the Middle East, Natural gas was being a myth and mystery. People did not know about what’s Natural gas is, so it’s still being a big mystery at that time. One of the most famous of flames was found in ancient Greece, on Mount Parnassus approximately 1000 BC.

Do you know where it is?

Mount Parnassus, Greece

Greece is a country in a Southeastern Europe, and consisting of the mainland and an archipelago of the islands.

Did you ever watch Percy Jackson movies? Do you know who is he?

Haha, yeah you’re right! Percy Jackson is the Son of Poseidon, and Poseidon is the son of Zeus.

That story from the film was inspired by ancient Greece history by the way.

Wow, that’s great right!

So what’s the relation between it?

Ok, so Mount Parnassus is the place for the worshiper of Apollo. Apollo is the son of Zeus too, the same as Poseidon. That picture is the place for the worshiper, towering above Delphi in central Greece, this limestone mountain looms large in Greek mythology. In addition to being sacred to the god Apollo, who often visited the nearby Oracle at Delphi, the mountain was thought to be the residence of the Muses and, as a result, the home of poetry and song. The three Corycian Nymphs, each of whom was romanced by a major god, were born of springs located on Parnassus, and the mountain was also the setting for many minor myths.

So, natural gas was being the myth in here because they’re don’t understand what’s that and they think natural gas is from God. Because of that, they’re building the place to doing worship in there.


Persia (roughly modern-day Iran) is among the oldest inhabited regions in the world. Gas wells were an important aspect of religious life in ancient Persia because of the importance of fire in their religion.

Human beings got to know petroleum, as an important source of energy, since ancient times, archeological documents reveal. Oil and gas were mainly used for starting fires.

This energy commodity was definitely used for supplying basic needs like making food, lighting, and defending against savage animals. In Masjid Soleyman, there used to be a fire temple in ancient times that kept burning thanks to gas.


Do you know where’s the first time well drilling was discovered?

The First known natural gas well is drilled by Chinese in 211 BC.

The crude pipelines were constructed from bamboo stems.

wow! that was awesome!

The bamboo was used for transporting the gas, where it used to boil seawater. The rig was made from wood (mostly bamboo) and they’re using gas to boiled the saltwater for then separated it into salt and water to be drinkable.

The Timeline of Natural Gas

After we've had to know about the ancient history of the Natural gas, now we’ll see the timeline of Natural gas. Dadadadam this is it !

As early as 1626 natural gas was discovered and identified in America when French missionaries recorded incidents of Indians igniting natural gas springs off Lake Erie and its surrounding streams.

In Europe, natural gas was unknown until it was discovered in Great Britain in 1659 and Britain was the first country to commercialize the use of natural gas.

Natural gas is introduced for home lighting and street lighting in 1785.

In 1803, Frederick Winsor as a German entrepreneur began to give public demonstrations of gaslighting and by that gaslighting system patented in London. In 1812 he obtained a Royal Charter to build the world’s first public gas works, which opened in Westminster.

In 1815, Samuel Clegg as the engineer of Chartered Gas Co was metering natural gas for households.

In 1816, The first US gas company founded in Baltimore and used to light the streets of Baltimore, Maryland.

In 1817, the first natural gas from wellhead used in Fredonia, NY for house lighting.

In 1821, gas bubbles observed rising to the surface from a creek in Fredonia or the United States of North America, and then William Hart (America’s father of natural gas) dug the first natural gas well in there.

In 1850, Thomas Edison postulated replacing gaslighting by electric lighting.

In 1859, Colonel Edwin Drake, a former railroad conductor, dug the first well in the United States that produced oil and gas. Drake found crude oil and natural gas at 69ft below the surface of the earth.

In 1885, The first time depleted reservoirs that used for storing the gas.

Currently, and particularly after the crude oil shortages of the 1970s, natural gas has become an important source of energy in the world.

The invention of pipeline leaks was found in 1890 and that makes the decreases in the production. But in the 1920s the natural gas industry has advanced in pipelines as a result of technological advances.

After World War II the use of natural gas grew rapidly because of the development of pipeline networks and storage systems. World War II inaugurated a tremendous boom in natural gas consumption and production, as this energy resource became the foundation for a major new industry.

Wow! How’s it?

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Thank you!

References :

1. Megistias, . (2012, April 26). Map of Greece under Theban Hegemony. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

3. Mark, J. J. (2013, November 13). Ancient Greece. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

4. Mark, J. J. (2019, November 12). Ancient Persia. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

6. Academy, U. M. (2012, April 26). Map of Persia and the March of the Ten Thousand. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

9. Natural gas overview :

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